Wave Echo Cave, Continued


We continue to the rooms behind the chamber with Black Spider and find Nundro. He tells us that Black Spider killed his brother. Black Spider went room to room trying to get more information. We escort Nundro back to the entrance, and the brothers are happy to see each other. We convince the brothers to camouflage the cave entrance.

We return to our last point in the cavern and continue into a cavern with a ravine where it looks as if stream has been diverted into a cavern room with water to the ceiling. We find bugbears digging in a pile of rocks, the reason was not obvious.

We circle back to the entry, and work our way into a large hall filled with dwarf and orc skeletons. We fight four ghouls and four ghasts. We backtrack to the entry to rest for the evening and hear a lot of fighting across the valley.

The following dawn, we approach the battlefield. We see goblins 50 to 100 on either side fighting. There are two banners, a multicolored whip, and the Cragmaw. The Cragmaw fall, with the Whip losing a third of their number with 40-50 remaining. We then sneak our way back to the cavern.

Continuing down the right pathway we are attacked by stirges. We clear a few rooms and eventually make it to the furnace. There we find a flame skull and eight zombies.

We continue to the ravine and investigate the rock pile with ‘Detect Magic’ and find a pair of gauntlets. Returning to the furnace to investigate the flame skull reformed. After re-defeating the flame skull, I detect a magical aura on the skull which I dispel. We head to the front rooms we skipped, find the barracks with eight skeletons and the office with a strong box containing 80g 280s 600c. We take a short rest and identify the Gauntlets of Ogre Power which we give to Atticus.

Going forward we run through a mushroom cave with poisonous spores. We enter a large cavern with two buildings. In the first building we meet Moremusk, an incorporeal entity, that was here when the mine fell. He tells us that the orcs and goblins made it this far in battle, the furnace was damaged in battle, and that the forge still stands and may possibly be functional.

In Moremusk’s room there was a bookshelf. Found a book on the fall of the Dwarven empire Oranus that pierced into the underdark and was overrun by drow displacing the dwarfs to the Navashu mountain range. Found a book on Mealton the Great tells the story of his conquering the known world of Pallaria from Orum to Oranus, from Kroll to Kalanzabar. However, there was no indication of the cause of the Great Cataclysm. I also find a map of Elsyr Vale that outlines the Witchwood and marks the location of Vradth Keep, and says something about a great treasure there. I trade an augury scroll for the map.

Map to Vradth Keep

Moremusk escorts us to the forge where we find a creature with four eye stalks and one big eye, and Moremusk flees. After defeating the creature we find a mace and a breastplate. We return to Moremusk, and he attacks. Afterwards, we find a in his chest 25g 160s 1100c, three diamonds worth 100g, and a wooden pipe with platinum filigree worth 150g.