Bohol Hill


Traveling during the day, we fought four giant crocodiles at a stream crossing, pushing an extra hour of travel. During the night’s watch, Grin heard a pop and sizzle. Investigating he found a scorpion with riding gear dissolving on a hill and a draconic shape. After fighting the razorfiend, the group of scorpion riders from earlier approached. A dragonborn gutted the razorfiend and found a ring they recognized from one of their party. They requested that we accompany them to their camp. We ride on their scorpions north/northeast through the night. We awoke in the swamplands, kept going to Bohol Hill (the closest they get to civilization), and arrived late that day. After careful observation, I learned to ride and handle the scorpions.

Bohol Hill has a temple, town hall, and house above a pool. Upon entering the house, there was an ancient tiefling and a younger tiefling: Selaria Atteco, speaker for Berge Cathriey, and Highsinger Trelata Nightsinger. They were only interested if we are fighting the lizardfolk, unconcerned with the invading orcs. I showed them the medallion of Tiamat, and we were warned that we would have been killed if we had shown that to the dragonborn. They were concerned with the black dragon near Rhest. They would find our attack of the dragon useful. They said they don’t go to Rhest, that’s where the lizardfolk go. They said that a clever orc had taken over Rhest, a dark power. The orc and dragon are living in the same building. They tell us the history of Rhest, a once powerful city that clashed with a druidic tribe. The tribe died, the city was decimated. The weakened city fell prey to orc attack, they broke a dam that protected city and it’s now flooded. They leave the place alone, it’s a human city and they wish to respect the dead.

We bought 50g worth of spirits and four healing potions. We attended the funeral. Zera sang very well during the wake, so did Atticus. We learned that the group was ousted by the Marrows (Zera’s last name). Using the spirits, I used divination to ask what would help us in our fight. I’m told “Don’t let them ring the bell.” We stayed the night in the guest tents.