Onward Towards Kuldera


We made camp on the trail a day out from Keys. Grin was attacked by the forest on his watch. Zera was knocked unconscious, and was stabilized by Ethor. Misha joined the fight with ‘spirit guardians’. Afterwards, Zera was slightly upset with Grin, and Atticus hid ‘Hew’ in the woods.

We continued on to the earlier ambush site where we opened the case of ordinary wine we had left behind and setup camp. Misha said she will stay in Keys awhile, and is thinking of going to Me’uiedra or Homlett or across the realm to Durac. I told her that there’s more to a temple than the building, and that she is still responsible for the faithful. We encouraged her to consider staying in Keys to research the Serpent Queen, to hire adventures to find the Temple, and to do a background investigation of Garath Primo. We would fund her stay with the wealth of Orlane. She said she will wait for direction from higher and that they are just as likely to cover it up as resolve the problem. In the meantime, Grin trained Ethor ‘fetch’, he can now retrieve items that you throw.

I spent the night drinking, and ended up sleeping in the cart during the next day’s travel. I fear the loss of Ailla and Ellie hit me harder than usual. We decided to continue on through Keys to Kuldera after stocking up on rations and alchemy supplies. The road was fairly quiet except for a gnoll and a handful of hyenas. After four days of travel, we arrived in Kuldera on the morning of the seventh.