

We stayed the night at the tower. The following day Sildar decides to travel with us over the mountain pass to Phandalin where we will meet Degas and his men, who will travel back through Me’uidre, in a few days.

We make camp along the pass the following night. Sildar tells us of Gundrand’s brothers Thurden and Nundro are also part of the group looking for the cave. He also tells us that Felix is being moved south because he has too much power; had a loyal army and fort with his own name. The Dukes don’t want a fourth sharing power. Sildar started “The Talents” from the original “Flying Eagles,” whose job it is to make sure everything runs smoothly and to protect the General and his men. The Talents would like to see Felix a Duke or better. Sildar knows Iarno through the Talents. We learn we have eleven days until the General comes through Mu’eiudre.

We continue over the mountains, then hit a road which we follow north. Finally, on the evening of the sixth we reach Phandalin. There are some surrounding ruins around a town center along with a ruined manor house on a hill to the northeast.

We head to the inn where we ask the innkeep, Toblen Stonehill, the news about town. He tells us of Sister Garaele, overseer of the Shrine of Luck, who returned to town with a few scrapes and bruises. The Redbrand gang, found wearing red cloaks, have been an issue as they run the town at this point and we shouldn’t cross them. Also, he says we should speak with the Townmaster, Harbin Wester. Finally, he mentions Elmar Barthen who runs the trading post where Sildar was headed, and Darren Edermath the orchid keeper was a former adventurer. Sildar was bothered to learn that there is no guard or Reeve in town.